Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Daily menu for September 4

I left early this morning to make it to the gym before school and forgot to pack breakfast, a foolish mistake on both the weight loss and local eating front. The school cafeteria offers no local options and very little that could be considered healthy, let alone CORE. I had 2 c. milk before leaving home and an apple in my lunch, and bought a small package of almonds to tide me over until my packed lunch. This actually kept me quite satisfied all morning and the almonds were from California, so while they're not especially local, and I do have to count them, it was a better option than Fruit Loops or pancakes.

I also had an oatmeal raisin cookie in the afternoon.

I spent 45 minutes at the gym, with 15 minutes on the exercise bike and 30 minutes of weight training. I feel really good about the weights.

2 c. milk from Clover
apple from a neighbor's tree
1 oz. almonds (4 Points)

Leftover bulgur salad with tomatoes and 1/2 oz. feta and chicken(1.5 Points)

Mushroom - wheatberry pilaf with wheatberries from Full Belly Farm
Mustard carrots

Oatmeal raisin cookie (4 Points)

WPA (Weekly Points Allowance) points used today: 9.5
WPA points available: 23.5
Activity points today: 5 (exercise bike and weight training)
Activity points this week: 14

Daily 8 - the 8 Healthy Guidelines
1. Fruits and veggies - 5+
2. Whole grains - bulgur, wheatberries
3. Milk - yes
4. Healthy oil - 1
5. Protein - yes
6. Limit sugar and alcohol - yes
7. Water - 8+
8. Multivitamin - yes

1 comment:

Lissa said...

Wow. I just found your blog via a link from the ELC Blog Highlight -- I'm really impressed and inspired by what you're doing. Considering that I want to become more local in my eating and I could stand to lose 15 pounds, I just might give this a try!