Friday, June 15, 2007

Daily Menu for June 15

Tomorrow is my weigh in and the farmer's market, so it's a veggie-heavy day as I clean out the fridge for the new loot! We're also picking up our split quarter of beef tomorrow, and a new compact chest freezer is plugged in awaiting the arrival of steaks, roasts, ribs, shanks, and hamburger meat, neatly packaged in butcher paper, fresh from the organic pasture.

Today's menu is light, as I have not been terribly hungry (I think it may be the heat) and I don't want to eat too heavily before weigh in.

2 c. milk

Veggie burger
Zucchini with olive oil

Salad with green beans, beets, apricots, and goat cheese (3)
olive oil dressing

WPA (Weekly Points Allowance) points used today: 3
WPA points available: 0
Activity points today: 4
Activity points this week: 12

Daily 8 - the 8 Healthy Guidelines
1. Fruits and veggies - 5
2. Whole grains - veggie burger
3. Milk - 2
4. Healthy oil - yes
5. Protein - yes
6. Limit sugar and alcohol - yes
7. Water - 8+
8. Multivitamin - yes

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