Thursday, June 28, 2007

Daily Menu for June 28

I was home late last night (almost 9 pm) and didn't have dinner. I ate my lunch late, and was a little hungry but didn't want to eat an hour before bed so I skipped it. I also didn't exercise yesterday. Today I'm catching up!

Egg salad, made with 1/2 c. yogurt and 1 t. flaxseed oil

Smoothie made with 1/2 c. yogurt, 1/2 c. unsweetened applesauce, 1 c. berries, 1/4 c. oatmeal, 1 c. milk

celery sticks with salsa

Sesame tofu stirfry with brown rice and Canola oil (1 PT for sesame oil)
Green beans

WPA (Weekly Points Allowance) points used today: 0
WPA points available: 22.5
Activity points today: 4
Activity points this week: 18

Daily 8 - the 8 Healthy Guidelines
1. Fruits and veggies - 5+
2. Whole grains - shredded wheat, brown rice
3. Milk - yes
4. Healthy oil - yes
5. Protein - yes
6. Limit sugar and alcohol - yes
7. Water - 8+
8. Multivitamin - yes

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