Friday, June 22, 2007

Daily Menu for June 22

Mr.M left this morning for a trade show in Arizona, so Jax and I are on our own for the weekend... Kind of. My mother-in-law (MIL) and a good friend are coming to help me whip our house into shape while Mr.M is gone. We moved in a year ago, but did a number of renovations and only got a kitchen 4 months ago, and our bathroom is still under construction. With all the renovations, a lot of stuff has never found a permanent home and our dining room is still Box Central. Mr.M told me that whenever I finished unpacking the dining room, he'd buy us a table and chairs set, so that's our mission for the weekend. MIL will entertain Jax and my friend and I will sort and toss and put away the mountain of junk in the diningroom. I can't believe that I'm excited to clean, haha. All that bending and lifting and carrying things from room to room has to be activity points, right?

Speaking of which, I finished the Week 1, Day 1 of the Couch to 5k. Okay, I did have to take a break in the middle, as I was a bit closer to the couch to start out with and by the fourth interval of running, I just needed more walk time. And I did the walk/jog at a lovely but VERY crowded park, around the block of a cute little neighborhood, but I was followed (seriously) by an ice cream truck nearly the whole time. Okay, perhaps he wanted to make the same route as me because there were kids on each side of the part, or maybe he thought, "Fat girl running. This is my lucky day!" In either case, I didn't buy any ice cream and I resisted from giving him the finger.

We had lunch out yesterday at Joy Meadow Restaurant, and I ordered a veggie stirfry with mushroom sauce and brown rice, gave away the egg roll that came with it, and left very satisfied. I wasn't especially hungry for dinner but I had a big green salad with tomato and olive oil dressing. The lentils will be carried over to another night.

Daily Menu

Shredded wheat, 1 c. milk, raspberries


More tofu curry with green beans and rice (this stuff has to end sometime! I made WAY too much!)

Lentil soup
Green salad with olive oil
1 c. milk

WPA (Weekly Points Allowance) points used today: 0
WPA points available: 0
Activity points today: 4
Activity points this week: 16

Daily 8 - the 8 Healthy Guidelines
1. Fruits and veggies - 5
2. Whole grains - brown rice
3. Milk - yes
4. Healthy oil - yes
5. Protein - yes
6. Limit sugar and alcohol - yes
7. Water - 8+
8. Multivitamin - yes

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