Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Daily Menu for June 26

I entered a few recent menus into Fitday.com to be sure I'm getting the nutrition I need out of my daily menus. Turns out, I'm not eating enough. I'm getting the 8 healthy guidelines, eating until I'm satisfied, and exercising regularly, but most days I'm barely breaking the 1200 calorie mark. I'm quite surprised by this! I truly thought I was eating more than that. I added a higher calorie, higher point snack/mini meal today - an apple quesadilla - to bring me over the 1200 calorie mark for today. I'm going to keep tracking my menus on Fitday.com to be sure that I'm meeting my nutritional needs. I don't want to short myself the essential nutrients my body needs. (Sparkpeople.com has a similar service, and lots of great weight loss articles and ideas.)

Today's menu:

Shredded wheat
Nonfat milk

Salmon cake
Mexican Coleslaw

2 corn tortillas (2PTS)
2 T. shredded cheddar cheese (2 PTS)

Sesame Tofu stirfry with red peppers and carrots
Nonfat milk

WPA (Weekly Points Allowance) points used today: 4
WPA points available: 22.5
Activity points today: 4
Activity points this week: 10 (I didn't exercise yesterday)

Daily 8 - the 8 Healthy Guidelines
1. Fruits and veggies - 6
2. Whole grains - shredded wheat, whole wheat couscous, bulgur
3. Milk - yes
4. Healthy oil - yes
5. Protein - yes
6. Limit sugar and alcohol - yes
7. Water - 8+
8. Multivitamin - yes

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